Our 360 ° assistance

Agreements relating to subordinate, para-subordinate and autonomous, managers and directors’ employment relationships (including probationary and non-competition agreements, stability clauses and the so-called parachute clauses) flexible or atypical forms of employment;

Ongoing consultancy related to the ordinary management of the employment relationship (contractual framework and duties, trips and secondments, working hours, remuneration and incentive plans, even share-based, arrangement of smart working agreements, codes and disciplinary procedures, employees’ control and privacy, waivers and amicable settlements of the disputes etc.);

Individual and collective dismissals;

Legal advice on Labour Law aspects of extraordinary M&A operations, transfer of company and company branch, due diligence activities;

Corporate restructuring (CIGO, CIGS, CID, solidarity contracts, mobility and outsourcing procedures), also in relation to in-house and/or public competitions;

Collective agreements’ arrangement;

Trade Unions’ information and consultation procedures;

Compulsory and supplementary social security and corporate welfare plans;

Immigration and work abroad;

Labour Sports Law;

Employee’s inventions whilst in employment relationship;

Agency agreements;

Employment services;

Procurement contracts;

Assistance and extra-judicial legal advice in matters of occupational health and safety (including the arrangement of delegation of duties and the fulfilment of in-house regulatory compliance auditing activities);

Litigation and arbitration procedures in relation to the above mentioned matters;

Labour Maritime and Aviation Law;

Military Law and Criminal Military Law;