The mandatory requirement of green pass. 14.10
With the publication of Decree Law no. 127 of 21 September, 2021, in the Official Gazette, the legislator has amended Decree Law no. 52/21(converted into Law no. 87/21) by introducing new art. 9 septies, in which it is provided for the obligation to hold and exhibit – upon request – the green pass, in order to access to all public and private workplaces from 15 October to 31 December, 2021.
Both employees and all other individuals who work, train or volunteer in company premises, even if under external contracts (e.g.: general contracting, supply contract, suppliers et cetera) shall be in possession and exhibit such green certification.
Therefore, even all those who carry out work activity outside the company premises, if necessary, may undergo the same control remotely.
The person in charge of checking the green certification is the employer, who in order not to incur in administrative liability, shall carry out the appropriate controls on all those who access the company.